388 King George Rd, Brantford, ON, N3T 5L8
My Garage


The POST Promise (People Outside Safely Together) is a private sector-led initiative, in collaboration with various levels of government, designed to help Canadians confidently and safely take the first steps back into public spaces and the workplace.

We have implemented tools to educate our employees on the five key steps to workplace safety, which were created to be consistent with what has been recommended by the Public Health Agency of Canada.

We answer YES! to the following five questions:

1. Do you, and your employees, promise to maintain physical distance between employees and customers within your place of business? (Keeping a distance of at least 2 meters is the recommended distance)

2. Do you, and your employees, promise to stay home if you feel unwell?

3. Do you, and your employees, promise to practice respiratory etiquette within your place of work? (Examples of respiratory etiquette include; cough or sneeze into the bend of your arm, or wearing a face mask when social distancing is not possible.)

4. Do you, and your employees, promise to clean and disinfect your place of work regularly?

5. Do you, and your employees, promise to wash and sanitize your hands regularly? (Wash hands for 20 seconds)

#Northway #Brantford #POST #CarNationCares


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